What’s the Best Material for Custom Sports Apparel?

When you’re picking out custom sports apparel for your Phoenix team, there are a few things you should consider when picking out what material the sportswear will be made out of. There are a few different options and some are better than others. Remember, the average human has 2.5 million sweat glands, so it’s important to pick out a fabric for your custom sports apparel that will keep you and your teammates nice and cool.


Cotton is a great option for custom sports apparel. It’s lightweight and breathable, and this type of fabric is also very good at absorbing moisture. It’s an excellent choice for when you need to cool your body down in a hurry. However, cotton tends to retain any excess moisture from your sweat, so that means it’s pretty easy to see when you’re sweating. But if you’re playing a sport, that’s really not going to matter! Cotton will hold onto about 7 percent of moisture. Cotton is a great choice if you’re more of a purist or you don’t want to wear synthetic materials for one reason or another.

Polyester blends

This type of “wicking fabric” is a more modern material for custom sports apparel. It pulls moisture and sweat from your body to the outside of the shirt. This helps it to evaporate more quickly and keeps you cooler. Even better – polyester blends only hold onto about 0.4 percent of moisture! Sometimes these materials will be chemically treated, but there are non-chemically treated polyester blends available. Generally speaking, polyester blends and other synthetic materials do not retain moisture like cotton and other natural fabrics do. These materials are more like plastic than cotton and they keep the moisture along the surface of the fiber where it will eventually evaporate.

Do you need custom sports apparel in Phoenix? Then call Psycho Jock at 480-656-5629 or Contact Us.

Custom Corporate Apparel and Building Team Spirit

In today’s business world, it is more important than ever to stand out and make your company and your brand known. There are many different ways you can do this, but one of the best ways is with custom corporate apparel in Arizona.

Custom corporate apparel is a great way for your business to get free advertising from its employees. It’s also a practical way to get your name out, plus give your employees a special gift that they can use on a regular basis. For example, windbreakers are popular items because they are so versatile. You can wear them in nearly any temperature, and they are a lightweight but warm material. When you order windbreakers for custom corporate apparel, it’s an item your employees are more likely to wear when they aren’t at work too. So, again, custom corporate apparel is free advertising for your company.

If your company has “casual Fridays,” a golf or polo shirt is a great option for custom corporate apparel. Your employees can gain a stronger sense of company pride and unity while wearing their golf or polo shirts. T-shirts are also good for promoting company pride. And t-shirts are also a great way to advertise, especially if there is something new or temporary your company is trying to promote.

Another great way to use custom sports apparel is to get something special done up – like a company gym bag or another larger item like that. You can auction it off and donate the proceeds to a charity or you can use the item as an incentive to help drive performance or as a prize for a contest of some sort. The sky is the limit and the possibilities are endless!

So when you need custom corporate apparel in Arizona, call Psycho Jock at 480-656-5629 or Contact Us.

Choosing the Best Custom Sports Apparel

When you’re part of a sports team, it’s important to choose the best custom sports apparel. Arizona-based Psycho Jock has a few suggestions on how to choose the best team uniform!

First of all, you want to make sure you choose a great mascot and logo for your team if you haven’t already. That way, when you order your custom sports apparel, you already know what colors you will need. You will have a logo you can give us here at Psycho Jock so we can be sure to incorporate it into the uniforms. If you haven’t selected team colors yet, be sure to choose ones that will help your team stand out in the field. However, keep in mind that you don’t want the uniforms to be a distraction. There is a fine balance between standing out and standing out so much that people only pay attention to your uniforms and not the awesome plays your team is making!

Your custom sports apparel should also include some functionality. For example, you might want to consider having pockets or something along those lines so members of the team can hold small items, like tissues. Hats are a great part of any custom sports apparel. They are yet another way to identify members of your team, but they also keep the sun out of players’ eyes.

Uniforms should also be easy to clean. You know firsthand how dirty people can get while playing sports, so choosing custom sports apparel that is easy to wash and dry will save your team members a lot of hassle in the long run! Also, try to make sure the uniforms are made out of material that will “breathe.” That way, teammates will be able to stay cool while playing the game.

So when you need custom sports apparel in Arizona, call Psycho Jock at 480-656-5629 or Contact Us.

Why Are Team Uniforms So Important?

With a sports team, having a uniform can sometimes make or break that team and its ability to succeed. Have you ever wondered why? We here at Psycho Jock, a company that makes custom sports apparel for Phoenix teams, have a few ideas about why.

Custom sports apparel, like uniforms – even if it is just a baseball cap that everyone on the team wears – can foster a sense of unity. When you are all wearing the same cap or same outfit, it can really make you feel like you belong to that group. And when you’re wearing custom sports apparel like that, you are more inclined to try your best for your team.

Uniforms can also help foster a sense of identity. We know that sports aren’t everything, but when you have custom sports apparel on, you feel like you’re part of something larger than just yourself. You become more aware of the other members of your team, and, again, this can help motivate you to try your best when game time comes around.

Plus, custom sports apparel can bring about a feeling of equality. Every member of the team plays an important role in the team’s success. No one is better or worse than anyone else. You are all in this together, and you are all trying your best to win the big game!

And when you see your teammates in their custom sports apparel, it’s even more fun to root for them and for their success too. You want everyone on your team to do well and thrive. And, of course, you want your team to win!

So when you need custom sports apparel in and around the Phoenix area, contact Psycho Jock. Call us at 480-656-5629 or Contact Us.

Why Worry about Corporate Apparel?

In this day and age, why is corporate apparel so important? Actually, there are several reasons! Psycho Jock is one of the best in providing custom corporate apparel. Scottsdale businesses should take note: when you need custom corporate apparel, Psycho Jock is one of the best!

Custom corporate apparel can help with your company’s branding efforts. In today’s business world, branding is more important than ever. Think about it. When you see a red background and white text on a can of soda, doesn’t Coca-Cola immediately come to mind? This is the ultimate goal for just about any company. That your customers don’t even have to see the name of your company to immediately identify your company’s logo and what you’re all about.

Custom corporate apparel can also help foster a sense of company culture. When your employees are wearing a company shirt, there is a sense of community and company loyalty. It can help set a dress code for your employees that is both casual and professional. It can help increase cooperation among all employees, no matter what their positions, because everyone is dressed exactly the same.

Plus, when customers or clients see your employees dressed in custom corporate apparel, it can help establish a level of trust between them. Branded items are often associated with higher quality in terms of products and services and the level of customer service that can be expected. Custom corporate apparel can help improve your company’s image in the general public and with prospective customers – even prospective employees. If you take the time to order corporate apparel for your employees now, it can pay off quite a bit in the long run. It can help attract new business and more.

When you are ready to order custom corporate apparel for your Scottsdale company, call Psycho Jock at 480-656-5629 or Contact Us.

Welcome to Psycho Jock

As a locally owned and operated business in the Scottsdale, Arizona metro, we at Psycho Jock have always prided ourselves on our work, and illustrating why we’re one of the area’s top companies for screen printing and custom apparel.

Because of the pride we take in our work, we’re happy to today launch our blog. It will be frequently updated with information on screen printing and custom apparel. We will also use this blog to showcase projects – past and present – the Psycho Jock staff has worked so very hard on.

Not familiar with Psycho Jock? Please browse the site learn more about our company and services, or if you’re looking around at different Scottsdale, AZ custom apparel companies. We look forward to working with you! Contact us today by calling 480-656-5629 or Contact us Online. We look forward to hearing from you!